RAGHT believes that wellness initiatives can help improve the quality of life and health status of members by providing access to preventive screenings and services, lifestyle and behavior change programming, and chronic condition management.

Wellness Program Mission Statement
The Vision/Mission of the RAGHT Wellness Program is to support the whole person in achieving their best possible health by:
- Providing tools to empower RAGHT beneficiaries to make informed and positive health choices;
- Promoting healthy habits; and
- Cultivating a culture of health.

Wellness Program Goals
- Support members in reducing their risk of chronic conditions.
- Support members in achieving work-life balance to improve health and well-being, and reduce stress.
- Support members in accessing/utilizing preventive care recommended for their age and gender.
- Support members in managing their chronic conditions.
Reduce Risk Factors for, and Management of, Chronic Conditions
The Omada Health program empowers participating members to build healthy behaviors that last by applying small changes around eating, activity and stress.
Omada offers a diabetes prevention program to address heart disease and diabetes, a blood pressure management program, and type 2 diabetes management program all at no cost to eligible RAGHT medical benefit plan members.
Eligible participants can expect:
- Cellular Enabled Devices:
- Scale
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Glucometer
- Interactive Lessons
- Peer Support Group
- Online Community
- Professional Health Coach

To see if you’re eligible, complete an online risk screener at omadahealth.com/RAGHT
Preventive Screenings and Services
As a part of Rural Arizona Group Health Trust's (RAGHT) Wellness Program, some preventive screenings and services are brought on-site to provide members a convenient and timely way to protect their health.
Wellness screenings and Services provided through the RAGHT Wellness program are covered 100% for RAGHT medical benefit plan members who are age and gender appropriate.
The following screenings are recommended annually and provided on-site to participating entities:
The Health Risk Assessment provides members with an individualized health report as well as an aggregate report for the Trust to help identify overall health risks of RAGHT members and tailor wellness program efforts. This convenient, on-site screening has three components:
- Biometric Measurements: Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, Body Fat, BMI, and Waist Circumference
- Venipuncture blood draw, fasting or non-fasting, including: Blood Glucose, Full Lipid Profile (HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol), and a SMAC 30 (Red/White Blood Cell Count, Kidney Function, Liver Function, Calcium, Electrolytes, etc.).
- Lifestyle Questionnaire: Assess nutrition, physical activity, stress and more.
Annual screening mammograms are provided on-site to eligible plan members. Screening mammograms are covered 100% for women age 40 and over per Health Care Reform. RAGHT encourages women age 35-39 to get a baseline mammogram. Those with a family history and a physician recommendation under age 35 to get a mammogram.
The Comprehensive Prostate Cancer screenings include:
- A Venipuncture Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test
- A Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
- A Testicular Cancer Screening
- Urologist Consultation
The comprehensive (full-body) skin cancer screenings detect a range of skin abnormalities including, but not limited to, the following:
- Actinic Keratosis (pre-cancerous, superficial sun damaged areas of skin)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Malignant Melanoma
The cardiac screening tests include the following ultrasounds:
- Carotid Artery looking for potential risks and blockage associated with Stroke,
- Peripheral Arteries, looking for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD), which reduces blood flow,
- Abdominal Aorta, looking for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) by showing ruptures or bleeding from the body’s main supplier of blood.
The organ screening tests look for any abnormality including nodules, cysts or changes in structure by conducting ultrasounds of the following organs:
- Kidneys
- Liver
- Gallbladder
- Thyroid
Quadrivalent flu vaccinations (protection against 4 different strains of the flu) are provided on-site annually for all employees and plan members age 4 and older. Pneumonia vaccinations are provided annually as well for members age 65 and older or those 19 and older with increased risk factors such as lung disease.
*Not all screenings can be provided on-site for each entity.
Please look for wellness emails and flyers throughout the year for more information.